Using the natural principles of Macrobiotics empowers us to make wise choices that result in living a life we want rather than one that just “happens.” Macrobiotics is a way of life in which we see that everything in nature is connected; through its practice, we are free to make choices that determine our personal growth, improve our health and mental clarity and nurture our spirit.

Macrobiotics is not accurately labeled as “alternative medicine” because Western medicine concerns itself more often with disease whereas macrobiotics looks at the whole person. While Spear’s expertise addresses particular ailments including life-threatening diseases, macrobiotic practice focuses on health beyond disease and life beyond just dietary recommendations. In real, measurable and specific ways, William Spear helps you learn how to overcome sickness, maintain your health and realize your dreams.

Spear is an internationally recognized macrobiotic counselor with personal experience and thorough knowledge of the field of holistic, integrative health practices spanning more than forty years. The purpose of a macrobiotic consultation is to help individuals and families make meaningful, healthful choices to reshape their lives, including both their physical and their emotional health. Making macrobiotic choices alters the internal landscape, reorders the self and allows lasting healing to occur.

As your macrobiotic counselor, Spear evaluates your answers to a questionnaire you fill out prior to your visit and, during a personal visit, asks other questions pertinent to your integrative health needs. He makes both broad and specific dietary, lifestyle, and exercise suggestions to overcome sickness and pursue preventive measures to develop more vibrant, enduring health and well-being. No personal question or concern on your part is taboo or surprising; Spear has successfully guided thousands of people from all walks of life, greeting each with compassion and expertise. Initial consultations are usually ninety minutes; follow-up appointments may be scheduled as needed and are arranged for one hour.